Nicolette's Resources
Explore educational guides and resources made by or recommended by Nicolette.
Non-Violent Communication (NVC) Summary
Recognize and communicate universal human feelings and needs to improve every relationship.
Chakra Audit – 7 Energy Center Summary
Summary of the 7 Energy Centers book by Elizabeth Prophet & Patricia Spadaro for the purpose of balancing the energy body.
Nutrition for Expanded Consciousness Summary
A quick-reference guide of Mikio Sankey’s Nutrition for Expanded Consciousness protocol and food lists for vitamin deficiencies.
Ketogenic Diet 101 Quick Start Guide
Start the ketogenic diet simply and affordably, with the greatest outcome for success.
The first thing when I wake up, I walk my dog and chant a mantra 108 times. I do it during the afternoon walk also. I use a counter in order to track how many chants I’m doing without having to worry about it. It takes 15-20 minutes, which is the total duration of the dog walk.
My favorite mantra:
- Ganesha Mantra: Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
- I prostrate to Lord Ganesha, remover of obstacles.
- Invokes transformation and new beginnings
- Green Tara Mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha
- I prostrate to the Liberator, Mother of all the Victorious Ones.
- Invokes “liberation from samsara” (freedom from suffering)
- Ganesha Mantra: Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha
The first thing when I wake up, I walk my dog and think about all the things I’m grateful for. When I get back to my room, I immediately meditate for 8-25 minutes.
Here are a few ways I induce meditation:
- Sitting in Silence (set an alarm)
- Listening to Meditation Music
- Listening to a guided meditation by a trusted spiritual guru
- Chakra Activating & Clearing Meditations – Raven Shamballa
- DailyOM 21 Day Womb Meditation Course – “Breaking the Grip of Past Lovers” by Jumana Sophia
- Joe Dispenza Meditations
Breathwork (Wim Hof)
I lay down and focus on my breath. Some benefits:
2-3 Minute Cold Shower (Wim Hof)
I use cold showers in order to set the tone for my day. Some benefits:
Music: Morning Motivation / Affirmation Music
This morning motivation playlist sets a positive tone for my day. Toni Jones is undoubtedly my favorite affirmation music artist that makes me feel so confident and ready to take on my day.
Music: Focus, Work & Binaural Beats
While I’m working on things that require thinking and analysis, I play instrumental music or use the Brainwave Binaural Beats to keep me focused on the task at hand. With binaural beats, you will want to use headphones to bilaterally stimulate the brain.
Music: Dance, Soul, Expression & Fun
Link to my favorite personal playlist. Also, so you can find some of my other Spotify playlists.
Beautification: Skin & Hair Care
I apply skin care products and hair products daily to love myself.

Saint Germain
Alchemy & Spiritual Community
Saint Germain is very close to my heart since I discovered his teachings in 2014. I pilgrimaged to Mt. Shasta to convene with Saint Germain followers in 2021 on a retreat with Troika St. Germain and Paul of Venus. He is a master of transmutation, utilizing the sacred violet flame to do so.

Isis (Ast)
Magic & Healing
Isis is a part of the NTRU, one of the ancient Khemitic Nubian spiritual energies. She is the female component of Asar (Osirus) mother of Horus (Hru), Great Mother of Afrakan Spirit, culture bringer, and healer. As the Great Mother of Divine Wisdom, she rules teaching and communication. She embodies the magic of creation, divine feminine sensuality and sexuality.

Prosperity & Human Energy Field (Hindu Chakra)
Ganesha is the remover of obstacles, patron saint of art, science, intellect, and wisdom. I chant for Ganesha’s good luck and energy very often. He helps me to study and unblock the human energy field. He allows energy to flow in beautiful ways.

Lao Tzu
Taoism & Chinese Medicine
Lao Tzu is an amazing philosopher who write the Tao Te Ching, The Book of Changes. He was a poet that was refered for his cosmogony, or conception of the universe and the cosmos. What I understand of Taoism is a metaphor of medical astronomy, which is the future of medicine. Taoist teachings are pervasive in my understanding and execution of Chinese Medicine.

Mary Magdalene
Divine Feminine
For me, Mary Magdalene represents the divine feminine twin flame of Jesus Christ and all the esoteric teachings of the “Lineage of the Rose” wherein sensuality and sacred union is embraced as a portal to enlightenment. She represents hidden knowledge and the alchemy that occurs when we utilize spiritual wisdom to transform our reality. She represents the divine teacher within which is available to every individual when they connect to God, marrying the feminine and masculine creative energy within.

Green Tara
Liberation from Suffering
Green Tara is a female Buddha in the Vajraynana Buddhist tradition known as “the mother of liberation,” as she is the embodiment of compassionate action. She represents vigor, vitality, purity of life force, and the enlightened actions we take when we are deeply rooted in our high heart. She reminds us that we free ourselves from suffering and helplessness by helping others and dedicating our life in service to humanity.

Akhilanda represents recreating ourselves in every moment by embracing change as we know that even the most exposed, alone, or fearful moments are always conspiring to transform us into greater love and light. She is the Goddess of Never-Not-Broken because when we are always “broken,” in a state of ego-dissolution and vulnerability, nothing can truly break us.

Friday Kahlo
Sacred Rebel
Frida Khalo inspired the world by living her life out loud. She was not afraid to be individualistic or vulnerable in her art. She faced great physical adversity and transmuted into beautiful works of art.

Individuality & Sovereignty
Prince is a symbol of mystical individualism and regal sovereignty. His mischievous nature, musical and stylistic artistic expression, androgyny, and give-no-fucks attitude is awe-inspiring.

James Allen
Morality & Inner Prosperity
Possibly my favorite writer of all time. 20th century British philosophical writer known for his inspirational books and poetry and as a pioneer of the self-help movement. He discusses morality and ethics in a way that is so succinct and inspiring, where every word matters. A timeless genius.

Nikola Tesla
Technology, Esoteric Studies, Time Travel, Sustainability
Nikola Tesla has always inspired esoteric lore. Some think he was a time traveler, others believe he was an ascended master sent to advance the human race. There were powers at work which would ultimately prevent his inventions from revolutionizing energy on planet earth, though his legacy is one of sustainability, abundant energy, and mystery school teachings. We are the ultimate creators of our life and if we can dream it, we can be it.

Leonardo Da Vinci
Renaissance Man, Transcending Limitations, Singularity of Science & Spirituality
Leonardo Da Vinci is one of my most esteemed thought leaders as he was able to role model the intersection between science and spirituality. Because of his example, I always aspire to be a renaissance woman, one who has mastery of many divergent disciplines of arts and sciences, merging them into one integrated whole to solve world problems. With his short life, he was able to transcend the expectations of what one man could accomplish, helping me to remember that every day counts.

Tiffany Janay
Intimacy & Emotional Maturity Coach
I first encountered Tiffany Janay at her 2022 Lightning in a Bottle Workshop. She inspired me so much with the intense value she offered through her pragmatic perspective about communication, relationships, and emotional maturity. The way she carried herself as a public speaker and woman is something I want to model myself after. I recommend all of her content and look forward to working with her soon.

Queen Afua
Author, HHP, Wellness Coach
I first encountered Queen Afua at her 2022 Lightning in a Bottle talk “Womb Wellness.” Her book Sacred Woman continues to change my life and revolutionize my relationship with my womb space. She is a joyful, divine feminine channel of ancient ancestor wisdom as it pertains to the well-being of the human vessel – spirit, mind, body.

Darren Le Baron
Mycologist Researcher
I first encountered Darren when I attended his Lightning in a Bottle 2022 workshop titled “You are a Mushroom Having a Human Experience.” This talk was instrumental in catalyzing my deep love affair with mushrooms of all kinds. In his work, he dives deep into occult knowledge of mushroom religions, and how mushroom permaculture is the way of the future. I’m very inspired by his eloquence and humor as a scholarly public speaker.

Toni Jones
Affirmation Musician
Toni Jones creates powerful affirmation music that elevates my frequency. I met her in 2021 when I joined her Wife Your Life Social Network for a few months and attended a few group calls. She is an inspiring and compassionate coach that I would recommend to anyone. Her music keeps me going and I listen still to this day almost daily.

Zahra Zadeh
Mindset Coach
I met Zahra at Burning Man 2018 and in April 2019 I made one of the single most valuable investments of my life by saying “yes” to a group coaching program led by her. The things I learned from those few months of mindset education are still being integrated into my psyche to this day. Whenever I listen to Zahra speak, I feel so activated in my DNA. She is incredibly inspirational and enlightening with her perspectives. I love her and her teachings so very much.

Gena Strung
DACM, Acupuncture Business Coach
Gena and I have been inseparable since we became best friends in grad school in 2017. Gena is one of the most beautiful and intelligent women I’ve ever had the privilege of being in my inner circle. She is a woman on her mission, living and working in Mexico, teaching acupuncturists to be abundant thought leaders.

Jools Candelaria
DACM, L.Ac, Womb Mentor
Dr. Candelaria and I have worked together on many different dimensions of life since becoming best friends in grad school in 2018. We mutually support each others’ dreams and I am so proud of everything that she does, from fire dancing to healing the womb-grid of the earth. Her impressive diversity of projects are impossible to list, so I’ll let her work speak for itself.

Raven Shamballa
Spiritual Teacher, MFT
Raven Shamballa is one of my most esteemed mentors and friends. Through a few synchronistic events, we shared a speaking engagement about the Chakra system in Summer 2021. We have been closely connected ever since. Her teachings have revolutionized my connection to source. I often accompany her to events and continue to assist her in her work.

Russel Brand
Thought Leader & Comedian
Russel Brand is one of the most illuminating and intelligent critics of global events out there today. I watch his YouTube videos almost daily to get my critical thinking muscles going and also have a good laugh. He is a genius and an exquisite specimen of an awakened man on his mission, in my humble opinion.

Amanda Ellis
Spiritual Teacher
I began following Amanda Ellis on Youtube in 2021. She is an amazing insight into the celestial realm. Her spiritual commentary on the context of global events is extremely positive and insightful. The way she reads cards on video has taught me a lot about how to do my own readings with clients.

Spanda Makt
Spiritual Teacher & Entrepreneurial Mentor
I met Spanda at the 2022 Conscious Life Expo where he gave a talk about his healing modality called “Supreme Bright Light.” He is a colleague and mentor for entrepreneurial and spiritual endeavors, supporting me in ways I didn’t even know I needed. Thank you Spanda!

Jenny Mohr
Transformational Intimacy Coach
I first encountered Jenny at her 2022 Lightning in a Bottle workshops titled “Boundaries, Desires, Communication: Simplify & Deepen into Authentic Relating” and “BDSM Negotiation.” Her ability to communicate about topics related to sexual intimacy is unparalleled. She amazed me with how much she was a playful goddess-like character in the flesh. Her content is top-notch.

Joe Rogan
Thought Leader Facillitator
Joe Rogan creates the space for thought leaders to be expanded to the global stage by way of his podcast platform. He chooses people and directs conversations in a way that expands the mind.

Anna Runkle
When I watch Anna Runkle’s content on YouTube, I feel like I’ve found an ally in myself resolving my childhood trauma. She is a phenomenal thought leader with a wonderful mission, offering practical insights into how childhood trauma impacts our daily lives. She is clearly a woman on her mission.

Vandana Shiva
Scholar, Environmental Activist
Vandana Shiva is a badass environmental advocate. She advocates for biodiversity conservation and farmers’ rights. She is also the founder and director of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural Resource Policy. She inspires me with her mission and commitment to help Mama Gaia.

Dr. Nicole Lepera
The Holistic Psychologist
The Holistic Psychologist Instagram account produces the best most relateable content I have seen regarding mental health disorders. I’ve had so many realizations from just reading her posts and watching her videos. I love what she does and the way she does it.

Wim Hof
Breathwork & Cold Therapy Advocate, Thought Leader
Wim Hof’s breathwork and cold therapy techniques for hacking into the body’s innate technology have had an immeasurable impact on my personal advancement. I highly recommend all of his teachings. I love that he is so down-to-earth. He has very paternal, nurturing energy.

Drs. J.J. & Desiree Hurtak
Esoteric Teachings, Universal Cosmology, Sound & Vibration
I traveled to Egypt with the Hurtak’s in September 2023 and for 10 days we chanted, meditated, and intonated at all of the most sacred ancient sites. Dr. Hurtak was taken off planet in the 70s and was given the book called “The Keys of Enoch” which prophesizes the merging of spirituality and science, discussing in detail the mysteries of the universe yet to be unveiled. Their work is so critical to the advancement of humanity. This book heralds a new age of humanity and has an equivalent if not greater significance to the Christian Bible.

Zen Selekta
Musical Artist, DJ
I saw Zen Selekta perform at Trilogy Sanctuary in March 2024 and it blew my mind. She is certainly acting as a channel in her work to tap into deep, primordial earth energy and connect it with cosmic consciousness to allow people to access their anima and their higherself simultaneously for full mind-body-spirit ecstatic abandon. She is certainly someone who I would model my stage presence after when I become a musical artist.

Ayla Nereo
Musical Artist
I first saw Ayla Nereo at Lightning in a Bottle in 2022. Her songwriting ability is very impressive to me. I’ve seen her several times since and each time is more moving and impactful than the last. I really look up to her as an artist who maintains the common touch and has folk roots.

Tao Te Ching
Lao Tzu (Stephen Mitchell translation)
This is my most esteemed spiritual text, I use it like a bible reading it again and again. It gives me an immense sense of peace. One of the most commonly gifted books, I always have at least 2 copies on hand.

The Prophet
Kahlil Gibran
I first read this poetry book when I was 11 and it is one of my favorite books to re-read again and again. It never stops giving more guidance on daily topics.

Think & Grow Rich
Napoleon Hill
One of the most inspirational books for achieving your dreams. Can be read over and over with new insights each time. Every sentence matters. It lives up to the hype.

Outwitting the Devil
Napoleon Hill

3 Pendulum Languages
Raven Shamballa
My most recommended book for beginners that want to converse with their guides. Written by my friend, mentor, and guru. Your guides want to communicate with you and it will give you such great support for your journey.

10 Cosmic Dimensions
Raven Shamballa
This is an invaluable guide for how to ascend in consciousness. It gives amazing context for what’s going on in the spiritual realm as it pertains to earth. The worksheets are so good.

100 Chakra System
Raven Shamballa
One of the 4 books I list as having the most influence on my acupuncture and energy work treatment style. Written by my friend and spiritual guru. This is her most comprehensive and important work to date which introduces Negative Energy Release Work (NERW), one of my specialities.

Hands of Light
Barbara Ann Brennan
One of four books that most influenced my treatment style as it pertains to energy medicine. NASA physicist turned master healer gives a much needed scientific context to what is happening during healings.

Be Here Now
Ram Dass

The Power of Flow
Charlene Belitz, Meg Lundstrom

Sacred Woman
Queen Afua

7 Times a Woman
Dr. Lia G. Andrews

Practicing the Presence
Joel S. Goldsmith

Your Seven Energy Centers
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Patricia R. Spadaro

Esoteric Acupuncture: Gateway to Expanded Healing Vol. 1
Mikio Sankey, DACM, L.Ac.

Support the Mountain: Nutrition for Expanded Consciousness
Mikio Sankey, DACM, L.Ac.

Amir Levine

How to Survive the Loss of a Love
Colgrove, Bloomfield, McWilliams
One of my most gifted books. This is an amazing resource to cry with during any life change. With all change comes loss. I usually have at least 2 copies on hand.

As a Man Thinketh
James Allen

The Eight Pillars of Prosperity
James Allen

Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue
Neale Donald Walsch

Silent Power
Stuart Wilde

Acupuncture and the Chakra Energy System
John R. Cross

Silent Power
Stuart Wilde
My Daily Supplements
Below are daily supplements or vitamins that I take in order to optimize my health. Many of these supplements were recommendations from trusted colleagues.
Disclaimer: Always consult with a qualified health physician before taking any new dietary supplement. This page is not medical advice, these are just ideas and thoughts. The following statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
You can also check this National Library of Medicine article “Online Dietary Supplement Resources” which points to several online databases that can provide reputable sources for vitamin and supplement information. Also in the Research Databases section of this page.
Mushroom Drink – Cherie Sweet Heart
I combine about one spoonful each of the following powders each morning. They are all from the Cherie Sweet Heart brand mainly because I can get them inexpensively at Grocery Outlet and they have no additives and are organic.
Mushroom Drink Recipe
- Matcha
- Mushroom Blend – Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Cordyceps, Reishi, Turkey Tail, Shiitake, Maitake
- Lion’s Mane
- Ashwaganda Root
- Golden Milk Latte – Tumeric, Ginger, Cinnamon, Black Pepper, Coconut Milk
- Cacao & Maca
- One of the following added for sweetener:
- Organic Stevia Powder
- Organic, Unheated, Unfiltered Honey
- Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses

Nutrience – Calton Nutrition
When I do take a multivitamin, this is the one. If I take only one thing, this is what I would choose (when I can afford it).
It’s non-competitive and non-GMO which gives me confidence that I’m getting the nutrients I need without the “bad stuff.” Also it tastes great. I’ve tried all the flavors and the lime/strawberry combo is the best.
Liquid Chlorophyll – Benevolent
Acts like hemoglobin in the blood to elevate blood-oxygen levels. I use this for energy and it makes me feel like I’m taking a solar energy extract. Helps with absorption of other vitamins such as Iron. Helps to detoxify the body and remove body odor.
Vitamin D3
Prevents Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). I’ve heard most people are deficient in D3 because we are not getting it in our diets anymore. You need 15 minutes of sunlight without sunblock per day to activate it.
Prevents Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). I’ve heard most people are deficient in D3 because we are not getting it in our diets anymore. You need 15 minutes of sunlight without sunblock per day to activate it.
Valerian Root – Extra Strength
Sometimes, when I’ve been working too late or have a hard time falling or staying asleep I will supplement Valerian root.
Methyl B-12
Helps with the function of cells in the whole body. Helps the heart and brain to function optimally.
Snail Slime
This is my daily facial moisturizer. I use it all over my face, neck, decolletage area, and breasts. No snails are harmed and it’s 100% natural.
Facial Sunscreen
I use this daily facial sunscreen to protect the skin of my face, neck, and decolletage from computer screens and sunlight. It has a tint so I can use it instead of foundation if I’m feeling like a natural look.
Zombie Mask
I use this albumin mask weekly to firm my skin. It’s a routine amongst my friends to watch Bashar and do Zombie masks after roller skating on Sundays. Snail slime goes after!
I highly recommend this deodorant, it is aluminum free and smells lovely.
Aztec Clay
Great mask for removing toxins and oil from pores. Also a great natural exfoliant for the face.
Natural Disinfecting Wipes
I use this as a natural way to clean my massage table after treatments. It smells lovely and it’s only botanical ingredients, no chemicals.
Trash Bags
Compostable trash bags for kitchen use.
Compostable Doggie Bags
These are compostable and they smell like roses.
Medical research free articles.
“PubMed® comprises more than 34 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.”
This is where I conduct my own research regarding the efficacy of medical treatments, drugs, or other lifestyle changes to make informed decisions.
Also try the more user-friendly Clinical Studies tool.
Environmental Working Group
EWG is a non-profit that provides research to help consumers make informed choices so they can “live a healthy life in a healthy environment.”
Below are favorite resources:
- Food Scores – Search the database to check foods for nutrition, ingredients, and processing concerns.
- Tap Water Database – See how many contaminants are in your local drinking water.
- EWG Verified Products – Explore personal care and cleaning products that are verified by EWG to be safe for consumer use without health risks.
- Cosmetics Database – Search makeup products.
- Sunscreen Database – Pick the healthiest sunscreen.
- Reduce Climate Impact with Diet – Quickguide
Testing.com (Formerly LabTestsOnline)
Understand lap reports and medical testing easily.
“Testing.com is a health information web resource designed to help patients and caregivers understand the many lab tests that are a vital part of medical care. Our goal is to help patients access reliable testing information so they can make informed decisions about their health.”
The one downside is this website is focused on disease rather than on good health. Therefore, it won’t tell you the benefits of Vitamin D, but it will tell you all the bad things that will happen when you don’t have enough Vitamin D, for example.
Merck Manual (Professional Edition)
Understand pharmaceutical drugs uses and interactions.
The Merck Manuals (outside the U.S. and Canada The MSD Manuals) are medical references published by the American pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. (known as MSD outside the United States and Canada), that cover a wide range of medical topics, including disorders, tests, diagnoses, and drugs.
Databases for Vitamins and Supplements
These are all taken from this NIH article of the same topic.
Spiritual Paradigm Numerology Calculator
Search the numerological significance of any character, number, name, etc.
I use this calculator to make marketing and branding decisions. I seek to imbue my projects with numerological encodings to manifest specific qualities of the initiative.
Works Cited
Cavender, M. (2021, March 16). Spiritual Events in San Diego. Spiritual Events in San Diego | San Diego Spiritual Resources. Retrieved August 1, 2022, from https://spiritualeventssandiego.com/
Hof, W. (n.d.). The benefits of breathing exercises. Wim Hof Method. Retrieved July 7, 2022, from https://www.wimhofmethod.com/breathing-exercises
- Hof, W. (n.d.). What are the benefits of Cold therapy? Wim Hof Method. Retrieved July 7, 2022, from https://www.wimhofmethod.com/cold-therapy
- Prophet, E. C., & Spadaro, P. R. (2000). Your Seven Energy Centers: A Holistic Approach to Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Vitality . Summit University Press.
- Sankey, M. (1999). Esoteric Acupuncture: Gateway to Expanded Healing, Vol. 1. Mountain Castle Pub.
- Saldanha LG, Dwyer JT, Andrews KW, Bailey RL, Gahche JJ, Hardy CJ, Holden JM, Picciano MF, Roseland JM, Thomas PR, Wolf WR. Online dietary supplement resources. J Am Diet Assoc. 2010 Oct;110(10):1426, 1428, 1430-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2010.08.013. PMID: 20869478; PMCID: PMC2956064.
Disclaimer: Practice Critical Thinking
Everyone has a unique identity, body, and lifestyle.
When we make choices about our health or spiritual practices, it’s important to maintain a critical outlook to avoid taking a path that is not right for us.
While this page provides some reference materials, none should be a substitute for medical advice.
All users of these materials accept their own risks involved with following the recommendations provided by this page.
Don’t take my word for it – Do your own research!
Talk to your primary care physician before taking action.
Start with small life changes before making huge shifts, the change will stick longer.
Be gentle with yourself. Changes don’t always happen overnight.
There may be mistakes in these materials, I’m only human!
Listen to the “small, still” voice within.
Take your own council.